We have all entered a new era of mass digitization, remote work, as well as the implementation of the EU Ecological Pact and the new guidelines on how to travel and enjoy the resources of tourist hospitality.
Aceste transformări rapide afectează frontal atât imaginea, cât și randamentul activității organizațiilor / brandurilor noastre zi de zi. Spre a reuși o recuperare economică mai rapidă în perioada crizei COVID-19, cât și după depășirea acesteia, pentru a identifica noi parteneri viabili și a maximiza randamentul global al prezenței și marketingului online, Fundația EUROLINK-Casa Europei a re-adaptat și lansat Parteneriatul Strategic, sub genericul ”DIGITAL UPGRADE PROJECT”, direct raportat la nevoile personalizate ale fiecărei organizații și, mai ales, în scopul extinderii bazei de parteneri, clienți și noi proiecte.
These rapid transformations affect both the image and the efficiency of our organizations / brands activity. In order to achieve a faster economic recovery during the COVID-19 crisis, as well as after its overcoming, as well as to identify new viable partners and maximize the overall performance of online presence and marketing, EUROLINK-House of Europe Foundation has re-adapted and launched the Strategic Partnership, under the generic “DIGITAL UPGRADE PROJECT”, directly related to the personalized needs of each organization and, especially, in order to expand the base of clients and new projects.
In this regard, the following set of solutions has been proposed to interested organizations:
• quickly and free of charge, the pre-evaluation regarding the adoption of an attractive website design, much easier accessible from various mobile devices (laptop, tablet, smart phone)
• strong promotion of the organization’s offer / brand, through closely interconnected Social Media channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, as appropriate)
• Website optimization (SEO) for increased visibility on search engines, such as Google, in order for the site to appear on the page, according to the desired keywords
• technical management / permanent maintenance of the site and rhythmic updating of the software
• specialized and personalized technical assistance for: mobile applications, educational software, promotion through social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, etc.), organization of live sessions and webinars, etc.
• writing articles, messages and press releases, as well as disseminating them, including through the support of the Media Partners of the program
• translation of the site into different languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, etc.
• partnering with other sites or networks / platforms, in order to increase the visibility and credibility of the site
• interconnection with information and projects of other European networks
In order to connect to the proposed Strategic Partnership, which has the common purpose of generating a friendlier and more dynamic space for the most diverse projects, collaborations and events, please join this program at: http://ciosuerd.houseofeurope.ro/digital-upgrade-project .
Enrollment in this program is free of charge and open to all interested organizations (NGOs, public institutions, companies, professionals, etc.). The legal / technical details of this collaboration will be established on a case-by-case basis with each partner. In the second stage, following the free pre-evaluation, the initiators of the project propose a Partnership Agreement, which will determine by the most favorable way of collaboration.
For conformity,
EUROLINK – House of Europe
c/o CIO-SUERD ”Jean Bart”