We publish the program of the tourist season of 2020 for Caras Gorge! For information and further details, the tourists and all interested persons are invited to contat the Moldova Nouă Tourist Information and Promotion Center – tel. 0763427579 and the...

One Flower Doesn’t Make It Spring

The Association Danube Moldova Noua promoted the Danube Gorge and the Banat Mountains at the Tourism Fair of Romania (Bucharest, February 20-23, 2020), at the stands of the Association “Timisoara European Capital of Culture 2021” and of the City Hall of...

The Danube calling

A German person from the Banat, born in Lugoj, Terezia BERGHE, who has been working in Lauffan for 40 years, fell in love with the Danube Gorge! In 2019, he came with a group of tourists from Lauffan to the Mehedinti Gorge, being impressed by the landscapes of Ciucaru...